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This bibliography includes references on a few selected topics (specifically,
intonation and interrogative sentences, as well as some others).
- Andrews, D. R. (1993). American intonational
interference in emigré Russian: A comparative analysis of elicited
speech samples. Slavic and East European Journal, 37(2), 162-177.
- Andrews, D. R. (1995). Standard versus nonstandard:
The intersection of sociolinguistics and language teaching. Georgetown
University Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics, 25-32.
Includes a comparative analysis of
Russian & English intonation
- Andreyewsky, A. B. (1973). On the use of the
pronoun "svoj" in Russian. Russian Language Journal, XXVII(98),
- Baldwin, J. R. (1974). A formal analysis of
the intonation of modern colloquial Russian. Journal of the International
Phonetic Association, 4, 80-86.
- Baldwin, J. R. (1976). A formal analysis of
the intonation of modern colloquial Russian (Part II). Journal of the International
Phonetic Association, 6, 77-85.
- Berdnik, L. F. (1989). Voprositel'no pobuditel'nye
predlozheniya v sovremennom russkom yazyke. Russkij Yazyk V Shkole(2),
- Bratygina, A. G. (1981). Èíòîíàöèîííîå
îôîpìëåíèå ñèíòàêòè÷åñêè
ñëîæíîãî ÷àñòíîãî
âîïpîñà. Filologicheskie Nauki,
4(124), 75-79.
- Bryzgunova, E. A. (1977). The declarative-interrogative
opposition in Russian. In R. D. Brecht & D. E. Davidson (Eds.), Soviet
American Russian language constributions (pp. 155-161). Ubana, IL: G &
G Press.
- Davis, P. A. (1970). Intonation patterns of
Soviet Russian. Slavic and East European Journal, 14(4), 484-488.
- Deribas, L. A., & Mishina, K. I. (1981).
Tipy predlozhenij v russkom jazyke. Moscow: Vysshaja
Shkola. (Call Number PG 2375 D474)
- Gawronska-Werngren, B. (1988). Some types
of Russian and Polish interrogative sentences: A preliminary referent grammatical
analysis. Working Papers, Lund University, Dept. of Linguistics, 33,
- Golubeva-Monatkina, N. i. I. (1985). Voprositel'nye
predlozheniya v russkom i frantsuzskom yazykax. Russikij Yazyk za Rubezhom(5),
- Golubeva-Monatkina, N. i. I. (1991). Russkie
voprosy-kentavry. Russian Linguistics: International Journal for the Study
of the Russian Language, 15(2), 127-138.
- Golubeva-Monatkina, N. i. I. (1991). Klassifikatsionnoe
issledovanie voprosov i otvetov dialogicheskoj rechi. Voprosy Yazykoznaniya(1),
- Golubeva-Monatkina, N. i. I. (1991). Vopros,
otvet i otritsanie [Question, answer and negation]. Filologicheskie Nauki(1),
- Holden, K. T., & Hogan, J. T. (1993).
The emotive impact of foreign intonation: An experiment in switching English
and Russian intonation. Language and Speech, 36(1).
- Israeli, A. (1997). Syntactic reduplication
in Russian: A cooperative principle device in dialogues. Journal of Pragmatics,
27(5), 587-609.
Russian language uses syntactic reduplication
(repetition of a word or modified word within the same prosodic unit) widely.
This study examines one particular usage: reduplication as an answer in dialogues.
Traditionally, Grice's principle of cooperation has been viewed as a maxim
which applies to the locutionary aspect of communication. This study takes
a different view of the principle: (a) it is not a maxim, hence not a constant,
but an underlying principle that encompasses a range of progressive possibilities;
(b) it involves not only locutionary, but also perceptual, perlocutionary,
and empathetic levels. Analysis of previous Russian data reveals that syntactic
reduplication in responses in dialogues is a device used either to request
or to promise a higher degree of cooperation.
- Ivanova, T. A., & Kornilov, A. A. (1995).
Vvodnye elementy v russkoj dialogicheskoj rechi. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo
Universiteta. Seriya 2, 4(23), 56-62.
- Jakobson, R. (1971). Shifters, verbal categories,
and the Russian verb. In R. Jakobson (Ed.), Selected writings (Vol.
2: Word and Language, pp. 131-147). The Hague: Mouton. (Call Number P27 .J343
- Leed, R. L. (1965). A contrastive analysis
of Russian and English intonation contours. Slavic and East European Journal,
9(1), 62-75.
- Mehlig, H. R. (1991). Ekzistentsial'nye i
eksplikativnye voprosy. Russian Linguistics: International Journal for
the Study of the Russian Language, 15(2), 117-125.
- Miller, H. C. (1967). The fundamentals
of Russian intonation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.
- Mills, M. H. (1991). The performance force
of the interrogative in colloquial Russian: From direct to indirect speech
acts. Slavic and East European Journal, 35(4), 553-569.
- Ostanin, L. I. (1999). Sootnositel'nost' obraschenij
i voprositel'nyx predlozhenij. Russkij Yazyk V Shkole(2), 87-91.
- Parret, H. (1991). Deixis and shifters after
Jakobson. In L. R. Waugh & S. Rudy (Eds.), New vistas in grammar: Invariance
and variation (pp. 321-340). Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (Call Number
P120.V37 I56 1985)
- Raspopov, I. P. (1958). Voprositel'nye predlozheniya.
Russkij Yazyk V Shkole(1), 34-37.
- Smirnova, M. S. (1987). Intonatsionnaya sinonimiya
v sobstvenno-voprositel'nyx predlozheniyax. Russikij Yazyk za Rubezhom(6),
- Yokoyama, O. T. (1991). Shifters and non-verbal
categories of Russian. In L. R. Waugh & S. Rudy (Eds.), New vistas
in grammar: Invariance and variation (pp. 363-386). Philadelphia: John
Benjamins. (Call Number P120.V37 I56 1985)
- Zhinkin, N. I. (1955). Vopros i voprositel'noe
predlozhenie. Voprosy Yazykoznaniya(3), 22-34.